Chris has over 15 years - experience as a commercial and technology lawyer in top tier law firms and the Big 4 in Hanoi, Brussels and Singapore. He provides legal services to Lawpath customers as a consulting lawyer via his firm Headon Legal where he partners with clients to manage legal risk and achieve outstanding commercial outcomes for their business. Chris specialises in high stakes negotiation and transactions where he assists clients to secure capital, commercialise intellectual property and access new markets. Having worked on deal formation and execution for thousands of clients, ranging from start-ups and SMEs to large corporations, he is passionate about empowering businesses to succeed through insightful and easy to understand advice.
Chris has led deals for space-based communications, health and biomedical services, advanced manufacturing, nanotechnology, biometrics, clean energy, military systems and artificial intelligence. His dual legal and accounting qualifications give him the edge in pricing negotiations.
Chris is also highly experienced in corporate governance and board advisory. He has worked as a company secretary, a director for not-for-profits and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is adept at assisting organisations to align their compliance strategy with their business strategy to protect core assets and markets.
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